Explanation of Coverage (EOC)

CONSOLmx will automate the creation and delivery of your EOCs and EONCs. This notice gives a detailed explanation of why a Medicare provider and/or health plan has determined Medicare coverage for current services should end. Details of this type of form typically contain the facts used to make this decision, a detailed explanation of why your current services are no longer covered, and the specific Medicare coverage rules and policy used to make this decision.

Ask us to design a custom form that meets the needs of your specific company.

Explanation of Coverage (EOC) FAQ

EOB is short for Explanation of Coverage. It is issued by insurance providers each time the status of coverage is changed. The status often changes at the beginning of a policy period. 

EONC is short for Explanation of Non-Coverage which is sent to Members to explain that they are NOT covered or are no longer covered for specific areas of insurance or services.

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We don’t want to waste your time any more than we want to waste ours. But, if you’re curious about how CONSOLmx might be able to help you, we believe just talking it out would be time well spent.