Custom Training Portals

Educate staff and brokers about your products and processes. Create mandatory video training supported with timed quizzes that ensure each participant completes assignments. CONSOLmx Custom Training Portals are built to ensure participants fully understand and complete the training assigned to them. Modules can be segmented into digestible clips that must be played fully in order to complete the training. Users are tested on the content of the video to determine whether they can proceed to the next module. 

Ensure Brokers and Employees are Properly Trained


Rewarding participants is also built in to the CONSOLmx solutions. Test scores determine if a certificate has been earned and points can be earned for each training successfully completed. Points can accumulate in the User’s account and be used to make “purchases” in a storefront that, again, can be custom branded. CONSOLmx is the complete solution for Payers.

User Interface

Brand your portal with your logo and colors through an intuitive admin screen.

Ensure Material
Is Learned

Create custom overview, instructions and supporting document uploads. Upload your own educational video content and write your own quiz questions .

Reward Successful Participants

Incentivize staff by automating delivery of Completion Certificates. Users can also earn points that can be saved toward high value prizes through a Brand Storefront.

Custom Training Portals FAQ

Document processing is the execution of production processes that convert analog data in a digital document. Document processing is not simply making an image or scan of a document, but to identify and separate each component and capture it digitally.

There are virtually no limits on the types of documents that are good for processing but tables of data can be easily repurposed.

Let’s have a conversation!

We don’t want to waste your time any more than we want to waste ours. But, if you’re curious about how CONSOLmx might be able to help you, we believe just talking it out would be time well spent.