Letters and Notices

When a policy is completely withdrawal or terminated before the stipulated date of maturity a Policy Cancellation Notice needs to be sent to the Member.
Once specific requirements for reinstatement of the cancelled policy are met, and the cancelled policy has been reinstated, a Reinstatement Letter should also be sent to the Member.
At the end of the policy period a letter stating the policy will be renewing will need sent to the Member. This letter often contains any changes to the policy and rates that will affect the new policy.
Typically there is a data connection made between your internal systems and CONSOLmx. You can set automatic triggers based on the number of days an account is past due or a manually entry.
Yes. You can override automatic processes of individual records within he CONSOLmx interface.
We don’t want to waste your time any more than we want to waste ours. But, if you’re curious about how CONSOLmx might be able to help you, we believe just talking it out would be time well spent.
CONSOLmx is a product of Consolidated Solutions. Consolidated Solutions was founded in 1996 as high end print solution provider and mail house today we have grown into a full-service marketing execution company dedicated to producing personalized solutions, designed to increase brand awareness and fuel growth.
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